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Church Council

Our church council is the governing body for our congregation. They are charged with conducting the business of the church and overseeing all aspects of church life.  Each council member is responsible for communication with their assigned ministries team, charged with bringing any issues to the attention of the council as they arise, and communicate council wishes to the ministry teams.

President - Ted Field

Vice President - Kathy Stickler

Secretary - Betsy Clark

Treasurer - Mary Beth Skunes

Leadership & Ministry Team Liaisons


Adult Learning - Scott Zieman

Bookkeeper - Cindy Bittner

Children, Youth, & Families - Sue Lemon

Congregational & Community Care - Phyllis Ballata

Evangelism - Marla Amborn

Fellowship - Jackie Colaizy

Finance - Nancy Finley

Financial Secretary - Brad Wilm

Mission and Benevolence - Interim Pastor Karri Anderson

Previous President - Marla Amborn

Property - Kathy Stickler

Stewardship - Ted Field

Worship & Music - Denise Ashley

Annual Report
Continuing Resolutions