Local Mission
Local Mission Outreach
St. Stephen supports a wide range of ministries! For more information or to volunteer, please contact the church office at 651-777-1107.
- American Cancer Society's Relay for Life "Spirit of St. Stephen"
- Bear Care Clinic
- Community Meal - each Wednesday 5:15-6:00pm, followed by our GAP (Grace and Praise) casual worship service. In the summer, the meal is a BBQ and the service is outside on our north lawn.
- Evangelical Lutheran Church of America
- Feed My Starving Children
- FOOD SHELVES: Hugo, Mahtomedi, North St. Paul, St. Andrews, Vadnais Height
- Galilee Lutheran Community Garden
- Grief Support Group
- Lutheran Social Services
- Meals on Wheels
- Neighbors Helping Neighbors Community Thrift Store (NHN) - offers clothing and accessories for sale. Proceeds are given to local charities. NHN is open Tues/Wed/Thurs 10am-4pm and Sat 10am-1pm.
- Night to Unite / National Neighbors Night Out (in August)
- Roseville Community Garden
- Saint Paul Area Synod
- Solid Ground
- Tubman Alliance
- Tubman North Star Youth Outreach
- Trunks 'n Treats (in October)
- Union Gospel Mission
- Wapogasset Bible Camp
- White Bear Area Food Shelf (donations collected first Sunday and Wednesday of each month)
- White Bear Area Schools