Church History
St. Stephen has a long and proud history with 60 years under the direction of five lead pastors, a small original membership that grew in a short time to almost 1,000, and five separate building projects to create the space in which we worship today.
Our story is told through the history of our many ministries. Worship, education, and fellowship have been our hallmarks, three of the legs supporting the table where we gather. Our worship has been highlighted by a great variety in music, led by members sharing their talents for senior choir, contemporary music, band and orchestra, and special groups such as bell choir, brass ensemble, bluegrass, and folk. We teach faith formation as we educate all followers of Christ, of all ages, from pre-school to senior adulthood, from Sunday School to Bible Studies. And we emphasis fun and fellowship as important ways to come together as Christ’s disciples.
There is a fourth leg to our table, and that is our attention to mission and service. Throughout our history we have always served our surrounding community, supporting the resettlement of a family from Southeast Asia, the Neighbors Helping Neighbors clothing store, and community meals, to name just a few. More recently, our mission has broadened overseas. In Tanzania, Africa, we enjoy a partner relationship with a parish in Lukani and have made six mission trips there while promoting various projects. And in Tecate, Mexico, we support the Rancho San Juan Bosco Orphanage, where on a mission trip in 2012 we taught music and crafts to the children.
The first worship service at St. Stephen was in 1955. In 2015 we celebrated our 60th year by retelling the story. As we go forward and add chapters to the story, we thank God for giving us the guidance and strength to continue our work in the glory of His name.