Pastor Juli Thompson, Visitation Pastor
Paul Schultz, Director of Children and Family Ministries
Melissa Whitman, Director of Youth and Family Ministries
I have been active in church since I was 11 years old, spending my first 14 years of church life at a large Four Square Church in Washington State before finally stumbling across a Lutheran Church. It was at Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Marysville, WA, that I finally felt as though I truly “belonged” at church. I was involved in children and youth programs and served on council. I have two children, Mira (16) and Ezra (7). We live in WBL and we are active in the schools and community.
I have worked at St. Stephen since October of 2013. My favorite youth program is our annual mission trip.
If you need me you can always send an email.
Tami Heart, Communication & Administrative Coordinator
Business Management, Human Relations, Communications, and Marketing were my area of studies in college and combine perfectly to fulfill my passion for outreach within the church environment, which I have been doing for over 19 years. In addition to starting a non-profit (Footprints In Need) delivering shoes to those in need (mostly to children in Jamaica), my heart is most happy when I am serving God by serving His people. Becoming a Christian has been a life-long journey for me. Although not raised in a religious family, I sought various avenues of spirituality in my late teens and early adulthood. Eventually, these spiritual steppingstones led me from my self-centered youth to Jesus. As I walk closer with God, my focus has broadened to include all of His children. In that light, St. Stephen is a wonderful church to be working in, with a Christ-centered mission of bringing God’s love to the world.